Yesterday, Friday the 30th of July, was one of those magical beautiful days in our Home.
It started out with me leaving the house at 7:40 AM to head to the Farmers Market in Woodland Park and spending about one hour of pure bliss walking around and shopping at my favorite Market Stands. I started out with Les Bistro, my loved French Bakery who sells a Bread that just tastes heavenly. It is called Normandy and the sourdough taste is just so intense and yummy. Then I bought one French Baguette and for my Breakfast a fresh baked and still warm Chocolate Croissant. Gosh how I love French Breads, Wines and Cheeses! I think if foods would rule the world then we would or should all get along really well - HaHa.
I bought the boys some warm and fresh popped Kettle Corn and finished up with the Palisades Stand who had fresh picked Tomatoes, Peaches and Corn. They are located in Grant Junction, CO, and the tomatoes where so juicy and fresh. They let you sample before you buy but I don't even sample anymore because they always deliver what they promise so no worry when shopping from them :)
When I got home I prepared Connor for his Methrotrexate Shot and put the Lidocaine Cream on his tummy. We set the timer for 70 minutes and he went off to play while I figured I try and work out a bit. The boys came to join me and we got at least 35 minutes in before heading out for some yard work pulling weeds and picking up rocks. Ron got to work on his Backhoe and repair our driveway again who was getting a bit damaged from those heavy rains we had lately. Connor came running to me with about 2 minutes to spare to tell me it was time for his Methrotrexate Shot. He is a better time keeper then I am when it comes to his medication. I still set a clock as a reminder and he will beat the clock about 80% of the time! The Injection went very well again and I feel like this is becoming the easiest part of his whole medical regiment. Crazy....
When we all finished outside, Ron had the wonderful idea to head out for a Picnic, so we loaded up the 4-Wheelers and off we went. It was so much fun and very relaxing!
We ended the afternoon after we got home with a nap for Connor and I and then finished the day with a wonderful dinner thanks to my trip to the Farmers Market in the morning.
Today the boys and I are taking a day off while my husband is back to work heading to Anchorage, Alaska again and were he hopefully is able to spend some time with Niki and Harlow.
Wishing all of you a great weekend ....
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