Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Our son Connor was diagnosed with JDM in January of 2010 and here is a bit of a timeline to show you how this diagnosis was reached...

Towards the end of November 2009, Connor mentioned some pain in his right foot. We found a Plantar Wart and began treating it. We went on vacation in Germany were he mentioned a pain in his knee's, to feeling in his own words, pain 'inside his legs'. By the time we got home on December 9, he needed to be carried almost everywhere. By the end of December he was unable to feed himself, dress himself, sit up or down, lay down and of course walk. Here is a list of tests he went through between December 10 to December 28, 2009

X-ray of his Hips
MRI of his spine
X-ray of his chest
CAT Scan of his brain
CAT Scan of his chest
MRI of his chest
MRI of his hips
Numerous Blood Work
Spinal Tap
and we finished with a Muscle Biopsy

There were many speculations of what might be causing Connor so much pain and one of them was Gullian Barre Syndrom (GBS) due to his first symptoms showing up within a few days of his H1N1 Flu Shot.

The final Diagnosis came on January 11, 2010
-Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)-



Thursday, May 31, 2012

Medi Port Removal!!!

Today, May 31, 2012, is truly a day for celebration as this marks the day that Connor's Medi Port was removed.
For 2 years and 3 months we were truly happy to have the Port and it was such a great help during Connor's past journey with JM. Never have we regretted getting it and so it is almost like saying goodbye to a friend that we loved having close for the past two years but are also happy to see go as it marks a huge progress in Connor's fight against JM :)

Connor and I started out at 4 am this morning and arrived at The Children's Hospital in Denver at around 6:20 am. Including Check-in we were setup in a room within 15 minutes. Surgery was scheduled for 8:45 am but it turned out to be delayed by 2 hours as there was an emergency surgery due to a very sad accident to a little boys in the early am. He was pinned underneath a van and had his leg crushed.
Connor being the trouper he is kept telling the Surgeon and the Nurses that he was fine waiting as long as the little boy was okay. This gave him a lot of plus points with the Medical Staff who kept telling me what a polite and caring little boy I have :)
This time around Connor chose Banana flavor for his mask and I was happy to be able to go back with him again into the Surgery room until he was asleep. The whole Medical team was truly wonderful again and as much as it squeezes my heart each time he goes into surgery there is a comfort to see your child fall asleep under Anesthesia while laughing at the Doctor. They truly have a gift with Children.

There was also something that I loved about the Waiting Room. A big screen TV/Monitor told each waiting Family member the status of your child before, during and after surgery. There was one number assigned per child and the screen would be color coded and tell you either Pre-op, in surgery or Post-op. Very comforting to me :)

One thing that made me also happy for Connor was three gifts he received today. He received a Dr. Seuss Bird he named 'Spinach', a beautiful Quilt from the Volunteer Station and something to from the Surgeon to remember this part of the journey from. He had asked the Surgeon if he could get his Port returned to him but due to Hospital regulations they usually don't. Well Connor was so well liked that they made an exemption and gave him a small part back which they were able to sterilize. Connor was thrilled when he woke up and I was so grateful to see him have a big smile.

We got back home around 4 pm, 12 hours later and he is doing well. I am tired enough to go to sleep now and might be tempted to go to bed early as Andrea, Birgit and i are attempting the Incline tomorrow :)

So Thank You to everyone that joined us today through txt messages, e-mail and FB. We loved reading the messages and all the support they gave us!



Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Country Reports and May Fest 2012

Before I skip back and talk about the last week I want to tell you that my dumplings slept a total of 13 1/2 hours last night. can we say they were
a bit exhausted from our AK trip? - haha

Now I want tell you about some events that went on at Gateway Elementary/ Cottage School last week to finish up the School year.

First the boys class went on a Field Trip to the Wildlife Experience in Denver on Tuesday. It was a fun outing and they loved the exhibits and the 3D Shark IMAX movie. I definitely want to go back and walk through it at a slower pace. When you go with a big group it seems the kids ae more focused on how fast you can move through a building then actually look at some of the lessons - haha

On Wednesday all of the Cottage and Online Students presented their wonderful Country Reports. I was so impressed and all the work the kids put in and how I loved learning little tibits about other Countries. I admit i had no clue that Okinawa, Japan was the Japanese version of our Hawaii where the population loves to travel to for their vacations.
The came one of my favorite parts, the sampling of all the foods from around the world. The list of Countries and food selection was wonderful. I truly was in food heaven and I can tell you I ate only one German dish and it was the one that came from another German Report and Family ... very yummy. The boys brought German Pretzels, Russian Bred Cookies and a selection of German Sweets and I was happy to see they were all gone.
The whole event ran about one hour past the official school bell ending and it was really a fun time visiting and talking to other parents and watch all the kids talk and visit with each other.
Then we had one day 'off' on Thursday and of course it was anything but an off day for us as we had a lot of school work to catch up with that we had been neglecting this past week. So we pushed in at did two days worth of school. It was not easy and the focus was not always there after all the excitement from the previous two days but we got it done :)
So we headed into Friday and the schools May Fest with a lot of excitements and what a great and inspiring day it was!
The school had each class room make a banner and then walk out in the fashion of the Olympics Opening Ceremony. Then there was this amazingly talented little boy that was singing the National Anthem. Such a clear voice that had everyone mesmerized. The part that really touched my heart was the time when Mrs. Struble asked the kids to find a Buddy from the older kids at Cottage who would help them around all the Field Events and Games that were set up around the school. Grace, a very sweet girl which Connor and Alexander love and Adore chose to take on the 'twin's and stay with them for the next three hours. Never have I seen a more composed and organized little girl. I shadowed them around the school but tried to stay out of the way as much as possible as I figured I would step in if the boys became to much to handle for Grace but surprisingly some of her calmness transferred over and they were one of the few groups that finished and completed each and every event. The reward was some Ice Cream for the whole class room :)
After some snacks we all lined up again to head to the High School Auditorium to watch the Talent Show that was prepared by some Elementary Kids as well as a final performance of all the Staff and Teachers.
All I can say was that I was so impressed at the Talent we have at Gateway! There was singing, dancing - Hip Hop, Irish and Ballet. There were Magicians and Poem readings as well as two Piano plays. Then came the Final and all the kids were on their feet when the Staff and teachers performed a hip Hop routine to the song Dynamite. Perfection!!! What great personalities this school has. it made me to happy and proud to be a part of this school system :)
Now my only job to do during this summer break is convince the Bailey Family that they need to return next year to Cottage School! I would miss them so much and they made this past school year so much better for me in every way!

I hope all of you with kids had a great ending to the year and that you all get the well deserved break now!



Monday, May 21, 2012

Wonderful Alaska Adventures :)

Our trip to Anchorage this weekend was so much fun in every way.

Of course the most wonderful part was spending time with Niki, Harlow and Celeste. We are so lucky to have such a great circle of Family and Friends :)

I have to say another part of this trip that was magic to me was seeing the boys watch their Dad at work. We got some fun pictures of them in the 757 Cockpit and how I wish you could have all seen their proud faces when they listened to Ron on the PA and then to have them mentioned in it as well. I can not count how many times they told people on the plane that their Dad was the Captain and flying this plane and how he was the best Pilot in the WORLD!!!
We also got super lucky to have a most fun Flight Crew! The Flight attendant on this trip rocked and where so much fun. Not to mention they also spoiled the heck out of the boys. They were fed with Cookies and Milk, twice, and also were getting a lot of personalized attention. I have to say I was spoiled as well and it was fun talking to them and sad to see how bad the erosion is between AA and their Employees. AA really dropped the ball when they turned their backs on one of the greatest work forces out there - so very sad!

We arrived late Saturday night but still Niki and Harlow and Celeste took the time to meet us all for dinner. We had so much fun catching up that we did not get to bed until 12:30 am our time here. Never less we were up and running early in the morning with a yummy Alaskan Breakfast and a fun trip to the Market where we met Niki and Harlow again. May I mention we bought some very yummy pastries at a Russian Bakery Stand and even got to practice some of the boys and mine Russian? Not that we know much but enough to say it was all very tasty, Thank You and Goodbye - haha. We also picked up some Red Velvet Cake Pops for the Crew as a Thank You for their excellent Service. After a couple of hours Ron had to head back to get some sleep for the Allnighter home so after the Market the boys and I were dropped of at the Anchorage Museum by Niki. We went to this Museum two years ago and loved the Discovery Center plus all the exhibits about Alaska's History. Of course the older the boys get the more they take in which I love!
After the Museum we found us a little Mexican Place for lunch and then headed for a beautiful walk through a Cemetery that was located next to the Hotel. So peaceful and educational as well as they had a section where the original Pioneers were buried. I know some of you will think my fascination with Cemeteries to be very strange but i love them. It feels like you are walking back into History with each Grave having a story and the peace and quiet that comes with those places is very calming to me :)

After this we went to wake up Ron and start getting cleaned up and pack up before heading down for Dinner and some more quality time with Niki and Harlow.
Harlow was truly warming up after a each visit and the boys so love and adore her. They seem to be overwhelming Harlow at first but they also got some great smiles and laughter out of her due to their silliness :)

The flight home went very well as we got spoiled and had some comfy First Class service heading to DFW. It took some convincing and talking to but finally I got them both to sleep for about 3 hours each. That was followed with a 2 to 3 hour sit in DFW that Connor used to sleep again and then our short flight HOME.

Needless to say we all got home, had lunch and then passed out and slept for most of the afternoon. I am happy that I did get to wash two loads of laundry and even made a decent dinner tonight with Curried Chicken and Rice.

So tomorrow I am hoping to start a week that will be super busy with School here at home and also getting the house ready for our visitors that will arrive on Friday from Germany.
12 Days with two of my favorite Cousins should be a lot of FUN :)

Hope your Summer is starting out well and I am happy to say that Ron will be flying only Anchorage Trips again next month. Maybe I can still convince everyone that a road trip to Alaska should be in our June plans ;)



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy, happy JM news update for Connor!

On May 31st at 7 am Connor will be prepared for surgery at The Children's Hospital in Aurora for his Port removal.

I can tell you that Connor gave a huge smile when I told him about the call from TCH and he is so thrilled to have reached this step towards his fight against JM.

Please keep him in your thoughts that his surgery will go well and that there will never be a relapse or flare where we might regret the loss of his Port.

I as his Mom have to say the Port was a wonderful crutch to have during the last two years of Infusions and Blood work. It was never something we or Connor regretted of having, however we are ready to face this next step that will take the last outward sign of him being sick away.



Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day Weekend :)

This year it turned out that I will have a long Mothers Day celebration and I am truly enjoying it :)

We started our adventure on Friday when I had a noon appointment with the UCIS to renew my card. The experience was hands down the best in my almost 20 years here in this country. So far I got to see what Miami was like, as well as Dallas and when it comes to efficiency and polite treatment then Denver has them both beat. The boys and I were in and out in 40 minutes and we then decided to spend the rest of the Day in Denver.
Having such generous boys they of course said that since it is Mommy Day weekend I can pick were we should go but that they do LOVE the Science and Nature Museum ;) Well, how could I resist that one as I do like this Museum a lot and I am not yet sure if my 'second' choice the Art Museum would have been in big competition against the Snakes and Lizard Exhibit, the Dinosaur Exhibit, as well as Egyptian Mummies and the Tornado Alley IMAX Movie ;)
We had a lot of fun and stayed for about four hours. Then of course we had to add a big finish and head to a Restaurant we never went to before. We chose the Casa Bonita because we heard the Entertainment was true fun as in Cliff Divers, Magicians and Music. Now I also checked it out on YELP and Foursquare and the ratings for the quality of the food were bad but I guess you have to take some risks. The Entertainment, smiles and laughter from the boys was WORTH it but the food was indeed very marginal.
Saturday we got very busy at home and decided to finish two days worth of schooling, plus work some more on the Country Presentation. I loved being able to stay home all day so that was a treat on its own.
This morning I woke up to beautiful handmade Cards from Connor, Alexander, Apple, Tasha and Bella each. I am sure our four legged family members were grateful for the help they got from the boys :)
Ron came home by lunch time so that completed the day and we have been playing 'vegetables' since as in napping, watching Netflix, playing on iPads etc etc.
Tomorrow I am going to have a day of getting spoiled and getting my hair done while my three men will have a Boys Day.

We do have some JM news as in Connor being invited to go to a Juvenile Arthritis Camp in July. He was super excited about the Invitation and definitely wants to go. It will be a 5 Day overnight Camp in Estes Park Colorado. A first for all of us to see one of our boys go away overnight so I am curious how well he will do, but I am proud for him wanting to participate.

Hope you all had a great weekend and a big Hug to all my fellow Mommies out there who are just pure amazing in my eyes.
