Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Our son Connor was diagnosed with JDM in January of 2010 and here is a bit of a timeline to show you how this diagnosis was reached...

Towards the end of November 2009, Connor mentioned some pain in his right foot. We found a Plantar Wart and began treating it. We went on vacation in Germany were he mentioned a pain in his knee's, to feeling in his own words, pain 'inside his legs'. By the time we got home on December 9, he needed to be carried almost everywhere. By the end of December he was unable to feed himself, dress himself, sit up or down, lay down and of course walk. Here is a list of tests he went through between December 10 to December 28, 2009

X-ray of his Hips
MRI of his spine
X-ray of his chest
CAT Scan of his brain
CAT Scan of his chest
MRI of his chest
MRI of his hips
Numerous Blood Work
Spinal Tap
and we finished with a Muscle Biopsy

There were many speculations of what might be causing Connor so much pain and one of them was Gullian Barre Syndrom (GBS) due to his first symptoms showing up within a few days of his H1N1 Flu Shot.

The final Diagnosis came on January 11, 2010
-Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)-



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pool Time, JA Camp, Estes Park, Boulder etc etc

Oh it sure has been a while since I posted. What a few busy busy weeks we had but most of it has been a lot of fun, some drama but nothing that took away the joy of Family life.

A few weeks ago we all went to a little German Bierfest close by Denver that was a lot of fun as in seeing my parents dance again, watching the boys dance a lot and entertain the crowds, as well as watching Connor and Alexander enter a Bratwurst eating contest. Now tell me can you show me anyone that can not eat 20 Brats in 5 minutes? - haha
Luckily for C & A they got to enter as a Team and each had to eat 'just' 10 Brats each in 5 minutes. Sadly they did not win, which of course was also a good thing as I might had to deal with some extreme nausea on our drive home had they gotten first price ;) They each ate about 6 Brats and the winner was a man from Austin, TX, who ate 16!

We also were able to set up my so anticipated Pool and I am proud to say I was the first one in ... even thought the temps were freezing. Colorado does not really offer the heated water that Texas did but I love it. We were at temps of 68'F but before our last weeks adventures began my husband put on a Solar Blanket so now that we are back home I have to check and see how warm it has gotten ;) In addition to the Pool we also had our Sauna installed. This was originally planned when we build the house four years ago but better late then never. It is a true little luxury which we have enjoyed several times already.

But back a couple of weeks, the boys entered Sports Camp from July 16 to 20. This year they chose Soccer, to their Mom's delight! Finally some kind of German DNA that makes an appearance. Not really sure how well they really got the concept but they loved it so that's progress.

Right after Sports Camp, as matter of fact the very next day, July 21, all of us loaded up the car (with the exception of Ron who had to go back on call in DFW) and headed to Estes Park, CO, to drop of Connor at the JA Camp. Now this was organized through the Rheumatology Department at The Children's Hospital in Aurora, CO, and Connor had been begging us to sign him up for this Camp for months. It is located at the YMCA and the drop off went very very well. As a matter of fact, my super clingy son Connor, who has never had a sleep over pretty much pushed me out the door after being set up in his room and meeting his room mates, Darian (sp) and Christopher.
Oh, JA stand Juvenile Arthritis and since it is through the same Department as Connor's Treatments and also an Autoimmune Disease he qualified to be a part of it with his Juvenile Myositis. He was the only child with JM but lucky for him and me we figured he was going to be okay as his so beloved Dr. Soep was part of the Camp Doctors.
Now we met the Parents of the other two children who were going to share a room with Connor. Both boys were also 8 years old, knew each other already but were at the Camp for the first time as well. One of the boys received a Cell Phone from his Parents and they programed my number so that Connor would be able to call us when he felt the need.
I thought it was a very nice thought but also were a bit worried as I know my son and his need to stay in constant communications with me. I was not sure if this would be a benefit or a disadvantage.
Well, I did receive about 4 phone calls the afternoon and night after we dropped him off. The last one that first night came at 11:15 pm, with him crying and begging me to come and pick him up. Now my reasoning with him why I could not just come pick him up was his thinking we were at home, 3 1/2 hours of driving time away. However, I did not tell him that Oma, Opa, Alexander and I were in Boulder, CO, for the next 5 nights, only 50 minutes of driving time. I figured he just was scared that first night as he never had been apart from me or his Dad. As it happened I did get a call again at 6:45 am the next morning with him being all exited about the events they were doing that day. Boating, Swimming, Arts and Crafts!
On our end we had lots of fun as well as we toured the Butterfly Pavilion, toured the Celestial Tea Company and Pearl Street. We indulged in lots of yummy foods and spend almost 2 hours in the pool and hot tub. I hate to admit it but goodness how EASY it was focusing on just ONE child. The whole mood Alexander was in was amazing. He was focused and so happy and bubbly. Exactly how I remember him before Connor got sick.
Sadly around 10 pm the phone calls from Connor started again at first with him just sounding a bit sad but by 11 pm him having a meltdown and begging me to come get him. I finally told him that he should try to go to sleep and that he should call me in the morning if he still wants me to come get him I will. I got to talk to the Teenager who was supervising the kids during the night and he was asking me if Connor could get some Benadryl to calm him down. Now Connor did get his Trazadone (sleep aid but for some wicked reason he was not reacting to it). Now I did tell them that I am not sure Benadryl would work as he never fell asleep at the Hospital when he received it prior to his IVIG Infusion but maybe it would calm him down. I did not hear back from them or Connor that night but at 6:30 I had a voice message from Connor that they were going Horseback riding and swimming and that he wants to stay!
So, the four of us got ready to spend the day at the Rocky Mountain National Park and then planning on touring the Stanley Hotel, experience the History and Ghost Tour followed by Dinner. No true Phone reception in the Park BUT we were around Estes Park so only 5 minutes away from the Camp. I had a feeling that this would be Connor's last night at Camp so decided to stay close.
I did get a call that afternoon, not from Connor but from Dr. Soep. She told me that Connor had mentioned several times during the day that he wanted to go home and that it would be better if we came to get him. So by 4 pm we arrived at the Camp to find a crying Connor who DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE! However, we also found his two roommates who wanted him to leave. One of the boys actually said if Connor would not leave he would as he was so exhausted from not getting any sleep at night due to Connor's crying throughout the night. To get Connor to pack up and in the car was an absolute nightmare. He cried and yelled about not wanting to go and how mean I was that I came to pick him up. Of course Dr. Soep backed me up by telling Connor that he had told her several times during the day that he wanted to go home. I have seen meltdowns from Connor before but never anything like this. Now I did get him packed up and in the car, but instead of having one upset child I now had two, because now Alexander was throwing a fit because he did not want Connor back. He said he had more fun without him! Trust me my sanity was going away at a very fast pace!!!
On a positive note, there were three boys from Camp, around the age of 10 or 11 who were so so so sweet to Connor and kept hugging him and giving him sweets to take home. They told him that they would miss him and that they hope he would come back next year. Connor later told me that he had spend a lot of time with the three boys and that he adored them - no supprise for me that Connor would be drawn towards older kids and not kids his own age! Luckily I got their names so will thank them for looking after Connor and making the two days he spend at Camp fun for him.
Now, we had a one hour drive ahead of us to Boulder and that was actually enough time to calm down both boys. On this drive I was able to pin point what caused Connor's disintegration ... I have two boys who go to bed each night at 8 pm and usually wake up around 7 to 8 am. Both eat four solid meals each day, at 8 am, noon, 3 pm and 6 pm. Connor told me that bedtime at Camp was at 9:30 pm but of course he was up all night crying and calling me after 11 pm. Wake-up was at 6 am! He was acting picky about the food because each time I asked what he ate he said just some croutons for lunch and dinner. I said how can this be? and he replied the first night there was Lasagna which he did not want to eat and the second night Pizza which he does not like. There was salad but he did not want Salad either so he just ate Croutons.
All I can say to the end of this story is that the day we picked him up he fell asleep at 8 pm in the Hotel and slept until 8:30 am in the morning. The night before we went out to eat Tapas and he literally inhaled the food at the restaurant and in the morning he ate two Bananas and a huge Biscuit with Gravy. The eating and sleeping did not stop until today... We decided to go to Estes Park and go to Fun City the following day after we picked him up and finally do the tour at the Historic Stanley Hotel. We also toured the Boulder Falls and Nederlands with the wonderful Historic Carousel which is fittingly called the Happy Carousel. We all had smiles after riding on it, even Oma and Opa!
Oh and I have to tell you that I was so proud of both Connor and Alexander who sampled lots of new foods on this trip. Even a buffet from Nepal. They also swam a lot in the pool, especially in the deep end! I am and was very proud!

So and now we are HOME and happy to be back. My husband, during all this had the fortune to get a trip to Paris, France, and got to spend two days there. He will be home tomorrow night. Trust me during day two of our trip and all the drama I wished myself to Paris and into a Bistro with my husband to have some French Bread, Cheese and Wine, finishing up with some of that yummy Ice Cream under the Eifeltower that I love so much .... - haha



1 comment:

  1. I hope you give some feedback to the camp about it all. Kids as small as Connor and with health concerns need more than 8 1/2 hours of sleep. The food thing is a issue that the camps don't often work around a lot but usually will give a cold cheese sandwich if kids don't like what is served vs a kid not eating. That is a bit sad being this is a camp that is supposed to cater to kids w/ health problems that they were not able to figure out what the problems were with regards to food.

    Maybe see if you can do some overnights at the local zoo or museums where it is just a one night as a warm up before a big camp again next year?

    Glad everything is OK now though!!!
