Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Our son Connor was diagnosed with JDM in January of 2010 and here is a bit of a timeline to show you how this diagnosis was reached...

Towards the end of November 2009, Connor mentioned some pain in his right foot. We found a Plantar Wart and began treating it. We went on vacation in Germany were he mentioned a pain in his knee's, to feeling in his own words, pain 'inside his legs'. By the time we got home on December 9, he needed to be carried almost everywhere. By the end of December he was unable to feed himself, dress himself, sit up or down, lay down and of course walk. Here is a list of tests he went through between December 10 to December 28, 2009

X-ray of his Hips
MRI of his spine
X-ray of his chest
CAT Scan of his brain
CAT Scan of his chest
MRI of his chest
MRI of his hips
Numerous Blood Work
Spinal Tap
and we finished with a Muscle Biopsy

There were many speculations of what might be causing Connor so much pain and one of them was Gullian Barre Syndrom (GBS) due to his first symptoms showing up within a few days of his H1N1 Flu Shot.

The final Diagnosis came on January 11, 2010
-Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)-



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare and Insurance :)

Oh how all my wonderful friends and family know by now that there is no end to my questionings and mind-sets :)

I was going to tell you all why I think we as a family are the lucky ones when it comes to getting care and financing Connor's medical needs.
The reason I keep mentioning and posting the cost factor is as followed:

I feel at times that there is a certain ignorance when it comes to realizing what the cost is if you yourself or a family member gets hit with a long term disease, a disease that has no cure or one that is terminal....

Ron and I are 'lucky' in the way that we are with United Health Care and have always selected in the past to have a PPO. This way we get to choose what doctors we want to use and where to take our child for treatments.

We are lucky first of all the we have insurance!

We are lucky that Ron has a job that pays well and has always kept us in a happy middle class lifestyle that we love!

We have 80/20, with a $150.00 deductible, $1000.00 out a pocked a year with a maximum for Connor of $5,000,000.00. This in itself is pretty darn good if you look at it and are not looking in treating a disease like cancer for example and I will explain a bit more about this ....

Of course as all dealings with insurance companies go you know very well that what is said so easily is not in fact written in stone. The amount of $1000,00 covers items that they think is needed for his treatment. Everything during our stay on the hospital was negotiable, especially when talking about the Therapy that is required or items he needs in assisting him like braces and wheelchair. It will be quiet a while before we see the real impact of costs facing us BUT this is where I don't want you to get us wrong.
We are NOT complaining about what cards were handed to us. We will always make sure, as would any parents, that our kids will get the best treatment and therapy there is. Do I think it is fair that this could change our lifestyle?
'not always' but everything is secondary and there is no choice in the matter when it is about your child and just as the saying goes ... all of us would give our life's to safe that of our child ..... so of course you do not question it if it means you having to give up the lifestyle you were used to! nerveless I feel I still have the right to complain about the cost - ha ha

We are also lucky once again that Ron has the option to work an extra year or two to help balance things out in the long run!

Now this brings me to the real reason as why I am going to post from now on what money we are spending.
For one can you please ask yourself if you have sufficient insurance coverage should this happen to you? Does our family and friends and neighbors?

We just paid $700,00 at Walgreen's for medication he might need to take long term. What we picked up might last for a month, even thought I look at some of the bottles and know they won't last this long. This bill did not include the Solumedrol and Methrotrexate he will get administered twice a week through Home-Care. It also does not include the IVIG he will receive once a month and we were told this one small bag that slowly drips into his body over a period of 8 hours cost just '$10,000.00'

We met a family on one of the support pages on the Internet that can not afford to buy a wheel chair for their son due to him outgrowing his original one. The insurance denied the claim and now they have to hold a fundraiser to raise the $700.00 for a new one. When you look through all the care pages and blogs through the Internet you see Fundraisers for Medical Funds for terminal ill children everywhere. How can this be that families who are 'not' poor have to ask for outside help? how can it be that Insurance Companies make money left and right? and why do we even have insurance companies when you are still stuck with paying so much out of pocket?

Another worry that I seem to come across the Internet is something Connor does not need to worry about just yet but what if your child comes of age and is taken of his parents insurance and now has a 'black mark' of a preexisting condition like cancer or JDM which does not have a cure. Do you realize that your child might be denied insurance?

The reason I mention middle class is if you are poor you get help even if it is not what you like per say and if you are rich you obviously don't worry about it.

So I know I am controversial now and PLEASE know I am always open for opinions from both sides. I do not have the answers and I don't know what the future holds but I do love to listen from those that might have more knowledge ... so here my busy brain asks you again:

Why is everyone so afraid of the new Health-care Reform? If you lived what we are living now and many other middle class families how can I worry right now that it will get worse? worse then what we face now?
worse then many families with a terminal disease in the family that are facing bankruptcy if they don't get outside help from Fundraisers?

Last time when I posted about my believes you all have been great in giving feedback through my e-mail, Facebook and here. I truly cherish any advice!

Time for my brain to take a break and off to play with my two 'little' favorite men :)



  1. I am so glad about the health care reform, because I just received a letter from United Healthcare that my son will no longer be covered as of June 1, he will be 25 in May. According to the new law he will be covered until age 26, so that gives him another year to find a full time job (he has a degree but can't find a job yet) also I don't know if he can handle it, he still has a lot of trouble with fatigue.
    I agree with you about the cost of medicines and extras, that people don't realize are not covered by your insurance. At one point we were going to Chicago about 2-3times a week, and it would cost me at least $75.00-$100.00 a trip.
    I know a lot of people are against the new law, but if you were dealing with a health crisis, you would probably be supporive of it.
    One of my biggest fears was that an insurance company would turn him down as an adult because of his pre-existing condition. I have always been afraid of losing our insurance, because their is no way anyone could pay for healthcare unless you were very wealthy.

  2. JDM Mom .... oh you said it perfectly just like last time :) So many are blissful unaware how devestating it is having a child sick and having to worry about how to pay for everything.
    I wish no one ever had to face this but why is everyone afraid to listed to those of us that are dealing with it.....
    I am very glad about the heath care reform as well and as I said before how can it be any worse?
    You should start a blog of your own if you have not already. You have so much wisdom to share ....

  3. Hi, just a suggestion to you guys-check and see if the kids qualify for Social Security and/or medicaid. Often chronically ill children do and it can provide some financial support for the family and also the medicaid/medicare can help to cover some of the co-pays for hospital stays etc.

    A lot of people do not think of it for children but it is a benefit (heck, if Octo-mom can get it for her kids ADHD, I think your kids should certainly qualify)
