See what happens when we are not in the Hospital full time anymore? you get a break from my posting everyday - Ha Ha :)
Today we are back at TCH for Connor's 3rd IVIG and he is scheduled for 5 more in the future. We had to leave the house at 5:50 AM and we made it to Denver by 8:10 AM. The drive went really well until we got into Denver when we always hit the morning rush hour. Everything from the time of our arrival went extremely well. First we got front row parking which is not an easy thing to do even when you have a disability pass. Those handicap parking slots are in high demand when you park at a hospital ... wonder why - :) just kidding...
We then signed in and found out we got Connor's first choice when it comes to which Nurse he likes at the Infusion Center ... Miss Amy!
We also got a private room this time which is a nice treat only because Alexander is with us today. I definitely do not mean this in a bad way at all but when you have one boy whose energy level is at 200% at times it is nice to get a break like this :)
The next highlight was as soon as Connor was hooked up a lady who does arts and crafts came in the room and played with Connor and Alexander with some clay. They LOVED it! So and then my biggest surprise came in the form of Connor's IVIG. He already finished his Steroids and then when he got switched to the IVIG I was told it will run for 4 hours!!!! That is so much quicker then what we were used to from the previous two. It looks like we might be leaving TCH before 3 PM. What a treat :)
Overall both of our babies are doing well. Connor is making progress when it comes to his Therapies and he is even down to one OT per week. He still has PT twice weekly but this is no surprise since his feet and legs are still the weakest. We unfortunately had to let the Speech Therapist go since we could not justify Connor having therapy that left him in tears. I don't want to speak badly about her qualifications at all but it was just not a good mix when it came to personality compatibility. We are now trying to see how we can find a new therapist since she is the only one in our area that did In Home Care. It was interesting to me however when one of Connor's Doctors stopped by this morning and commented on how well his speech is doing. I have to admit it felt good to hear since his last therapist told me he was speaking on a 3 year old level :(
Alexander is doing okay but we definitely have to come up with a game plan to work with his ADD and ADHD diagnosis. One of the things the Psychiatrist told Ron was to limit is TV and Game exposure and if we do let him watch or play to keep it for the morning hours. It seems when you play games or watch TV it uses the right side of the brain and this is the part that is hard to slow down again. Oh, all the things we learn :) The best part however when I think of Alexander is the fact that he might have a hard time to slow down BUT he is still the most cuddly and affectionate little boy ever. He still has the 100 Watt smiles that just melt your heart :)
I hope that most of you realize that we think of our family and friends a lot and I am truly sorry that it has been hard for me to make an effort to be in touch as much as I would like. I think with spring and summer in the air we will be making more of an effort to get out but still will be extremely selective as to where we bring the boys. Obviously crowded places or very public places will be a no go as long as Connor's immune system is suppressed. I already had a nightmare worrying about his health when we flew to Chicago and back. You know how germy I think those airports and airplane are - Ha Ha
Love & Hugs,
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