Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Our son Connor was diagnosed with JDM in January of 2010 and here is a bit of a timeline to show you how this diagnosis was reached...

Towards the end of November 2009, Connor mentioned some pain in his right foot. We found a Plantar Wart and began treating it. We went on vacation in Germany were he mentioned a pain in his knee's, to feeling in his own words, pain 'inside his legs'. By the time we got home on December 9, he needed to be carried almost everywhere. By the end of December he was unable to feed himself, dress himself, sit up or down, lay down and of course walk. Here is a list of tests he went through between December 10 to December 28, 2009

X-ray of his Hips
MRI of his spine
X-ray of his chest
CAT Scan of his brain
CAT Scan of his chest
MRI of his chest
MRI of his hips
Numerous Blood Work
Spinal Tap
and we finished with a Muscle Biopsy

There were many speculations of what might be causing Connor so much pain and one of them was Gullian Barre Syndrom (GBS) due to his first symptoms showing up within a few days of his H1N1 Flu Shot.

The final Diagnosis came on January 11, 2010
-Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)-



Friday, February 25, 2011

One more week down ....

So I have to point out that February 21, 2011 was a HUGE stepping stone for my husband! He now has 25 years of flying with AA, and this is wonderful news for us as a family as well in regards to our travel benefits. His next bench mark will be Retirement ..... so we keep counting down and hoping for everything to fall into place this year!

Well, as to this week, it is Tax season and we are trying to get our Taxes put together. I am grateful that the majority of this work Ron takes care of, but some numbers are for me to get together and that would be the medical line-up for Connor for 2010. Now, we had a lot of expenses as in Medical Costs, Travels etc etc, but it is interesting to show you two numbers I came across. One is that the miles put on our cars for pure medical purposes as in traveling back and forth to the Hospital, Therapies and Doctor Visits for Connor alone totaled 11,000 miles. Put that together for wear and tear, gas and add that one top of your normal routines it is a bit of a hard pill to swallow. Now here is the second number, which I am glad to post we did NOT have to pay ... $1,200,000.00 Million ... this is the part our Insurance, UHC, payed for Connor's care alone last year. Now can you put a price tag on what this disease with no Cure will cost him or insurance for the rest of his life if no Cure is found??? So, you know that there are cases like Connor out there that might not have Insurance coverage or are low income and now I ask you who will pay the bill for them? You think your taxes might? Well, this should motivate anyone who cares about this even just a tiny bit to make finding a Cure a priority once again.
Looking back I might still cry and cringe about the bills that make it into our house and those that were out of pocket, like traveling to Chicago, but in the end I am grateful we have the insurance coverage we have. So far, and I hope this will not change, we had no argument in regards to treatments as I have heard others had.

Hippo Therapy went exceptional well again this week. I watched Connor sitting on Blinkers, his Therapy Pony, up on his knee's, straight back with his arms stretched out to his side parallel to the floor, for a whole lap around the arena. Blinkers was going at a good speed and it just blew us all away, including his Therapist Amanda. She kept smiling so big and kept telling me that she never had a patient do this and that his core body strength is just amazing. This makes me happy to no end and I am so proud of Connor. I know the medications do their part but he put in the work and effort!!!
Following Hippo Therapy we had an Appointment with Dr. Mynard for Alexanders ADD/ADHD assessment results and we were told that he scored very high in being Hyperactivity-Impulsive and being Inattentive. We were told about the different 'treatment' options and it came down to Diet, Therapy and/or Medication. Dr. Mynard told us as much as there is known for treatment options, and in his experience the medications had the most success. He also mentioned that he has several patients that have been adopted from Russia and that this diagnosis is not to surprising for him to see. NOW, here is the hick-up for Ron and I ... we are still not sure if medications are the answer, and I am not even sure now how much this past year has been an impact on Alexander and that we just need more time and patience to get back to 'normal'? Of course we know for a fact that Alexander would have a huge challenge in a regular class room right now, just know that he falls of his school chair at least once each day at school, and if I was not there constantly to remind him to get back to his work or focus on his pages he would not finish them. It would break my heart to see him get lost in a class room with 10 or 20 kids in it. So having to Home School for Connor has been a blessing in disguise for Alexander. We had told Dr. Mynard about the adverse effects Alexander had on the Daytana Patch, and that we tried Focalin for one day previously and we did not like the way he acted that day. Dr. Mynard pointed out that it takes at least three to four days for these kind of medications to show us if they make an impact so he gave us a prescription now for Dextroamphetamine. Now here is the funny part for me and please take it for the joke it is :) So, the doctor explained that this is the same kind of drug that is sold on the street as 'Speed'. It can be highly addictive but it reacts in his symptoms the opposite for an ADD/ADHD patient. While a 'normal' brain would speed up it actuality 'calms' the brains for ADD/ADHD patients. This is one reason why even adults can medicate themselves and calm themselves down by drinking lots of coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Well, to get back to my point ... he said he might loose some appetite and that this drug has been used as a diet pill in the past as well. So get me right ... a pill that gives lots of energy to a non ADD person, curbs appetite and can cause weight loss?????? SO.... what is the problem? where do I sign up????? ;)
Kidding aside, we did start Alexander on this drug yesterday. Today is day number two and so far he had no adverse reaction and he seems about the same, maybe a tad calmer. Still, Ron and I are not so sure about all this but we are willing to try this for now and see. We can always readjust back ....

We decided to go out for Dinner that night at McGinty's in Divide and it was wonderful to cross paths there with the Simpson Family who was there celebrating their dumplings seventh Birthday. One set of our four favorite twin kids who were born the same years as Connor and Alexander. So we got to chat for about 5 minutes and it was wonderful to see all their smiling faces :)
On this chance I also have to point out that my lovely friend Allison took me by complete surprise. I you know me, you know my passion is driving :) I seldom find someone that knows how to drive on Colorado roads WITHOUT stepping on the brakes on each turn! if not to annoy me do it for your brakes! trust me your brake pads do not have to be working overtime just because you have to turn your steering wheel! Anyway, Allison passed me in Manitou Springs and it was heaven following her up the mountain :)

Tomorrow will be a Service at CFC for Sandy along with a Viewing. The funeral will be on Monday and the boys and I will be there for both. I talked to the boys as much as possible about the Funeral and they want to go and actually see and look at 'their' Mr. Morgan one more time. I think they are ready for it and I remember I was about their age when my Grandpa died.

I am wishing you all a good weekend and as I said last time, please keep tuned in to the news. It is so so so easy to be wrapped up in our own worries and our own bubble but this is Historic and people are dying for their believes. It is not about agreeing or disagreeing but to honor and respect people for standing up for what is right. We all deserve freedom and respect!



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