Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Our son Connor was diagnosed with JDM in January of 2010 and here is a bit of a timeline to show you how this diagnosis was reached...

Towards the end of November 2009, Connor mentioned some pain in his right foot. We found a Plantar Wart and began treating it. We went on vacation in Germany were he mentioned a pain in his knee's, to feeling in his own words, pain 'inside his legs'. By the time we got home on December 9, he needed to be carried almost everywhere. By the end of December he was unable to feed himself, dress himself, sit up or down, lay down and of course walk. Here is a list of tests he went through between December 10 to December 28, 2009

X-ray of his Hips
MRI of his spine
X-ray of his chest
CAT Scan of his brain
CAT Scan of his chest
MRI of his chest
MRI of his hips
Numerous Blood Work
Spinal Tap
and we finished with a Muscle Biopsy

There were many speculations of what might be causing Connor so much pain and one of them was Gullian Barre Syndrom (GBS) due to his first symptoms showing up within a few days of his H1N1 Flu Shot.

The final Diagnosis came on January 11, 2010
-Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)-



Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year dear Friends!

2011 had a lot of up's and down for us as a Family and there were some frustrating parts, some sad and heartbreaking times BUT also many happy events as well ... so I guess it was a true picture of what Life is all about.

Our biggest celebration for 2011 is by far the progress Connor made on his journey towards remission. On the outside you would not know the battles he had fought in the last two years and last year at this time and date he was in pain with both his legs in casts and also still showing the signs on JDM. We still had to travel with a wheel chair and he was still busy with Therapy sessions weekly. 
This year he was weaned of his Therapy by the month of June, he was able to join Cottage School again even with some hiccups of exposures to his immune system. The biggest success is the tapering of the Prednisone to just 0.5 ml a day and the ending of his IVIG Infusions in the fall of 2011. He still has his daily Cyclosporin and his weekly Chemo but even there was the huge improvement to be able to go from Shots to Pills! HUGE for Connor who knew he needed them but always hated the injections!

We travled to Chicago three times this past year, in January, April and September. In January we stayed at a Hotel close to CMH and had fun exploring the surroundings even in the cold and with a Wheelchair. In April we stayed at the Airport BUT we got to see the Miller Family and also Candy! In September we stayed once again with the Miller Family as we had in 2010 many times and of course being with Friends always makes a Hospital Trip more pleasurable and fun!

All in all we were also back to traveling again even thought we sadly were not able to travel to Germany this year. We did however take a huge road trip to Oregon to see our precious friends Brenda and Eric! Brenda turned 40 this year, just as I did and her husband had set up a beautiful getaway on the Oregon Coast. 
The boys and I were also spoiled by heading to California this past June to stay with the wonderful Tossell Family! What great adventure we had there as well!
Ron, the boys an I also had a couple of wonderful Road trips around Colorado that included Steamboat Springs, Pagosa Springs, Durango, Silverton & Ouray.
We got to enjoy a Rockies game and weekend in Denver and of course the recent Bronco's Bear game for Ron and Alexander.

The parts we love about each year are having visitors. We love having a full house and being able to spend time with Family and Friends and this past year was not disappointing at all.
Thank You to the Herndon Family who spend Spring Break with us, the always reliable Tossell Family, Kendra, Kathleen & Charlie, Niki and Harlow and of course the best part ... 3 visits this year from Oma & Opa!!!

The sad and heartbreaking parts that came into our lives were of course the passings from so many we cared about:
Monte in January,
Sandy in February,
the 2 year anniversary of Hope's passing,
and then October our brother in-law Ron lost his fight against cancer.
All four deaths were due to cancer, which is not a statistic I like at all ....
Sad was also the move from our friends Shelly and Clare to Lake Tahoe but the bright side on this one is that we now have friends to visit in another beautiful part of this country :)

I also had the joy to be a part of two Baby Showers, one here in CO and one in TX. Both babies are doing well and are absolutely gorgeous!

We added another family member as in Bella and we love, love, love her! Everyone in my opinion should have a cat as I never had a clue how much fun they are :)

Ron of course battled another Shoulder surgery and has been home since June.
We are also still in a bit of a shock that AA filed for Bankrupcy but once again that is life and not something we were able to control.

So you see I am not sure how to grade 2011. There were some real highs with Connor and some real lows with the loss of loved once lost.

I am ready to face 2012!

Thank You, Thank You to all of you who have shown nothing but love and support!

Happy New Year!
Ein Frohes Neues Jahr!



Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas - Weihnachten 2011

A very merry Christmas to all of you and I hope it was and is all you hoped it would be!

I have to say that this year might be my favorite Christmas with the boys over all. The age they are at, 7, is just the perfect combination of still being young enough to believe in the Christmas magic but also old enough to understand more what it is all about.

In addition to this we are so so so happy to have my parents here with us this year and Colorado showed and delivered it's best side yet with the picture perfect setting of fresh powdery snow that arrived a couple of days ago and then set the setting today with clear blue skies. Picture perfect. We have been outside sledding yesterday and today and it was so lovely all around.

The gifts were plenty as well and I think we all got spoiled more then we should have but Christmas only happens once a year and the laughter and joy all the gifts brought were so worth it.

I have to point out Connor, who due to Make A Wish was able to 'buy' presents for 6 people in the beginning of December. Every gift he picked out was so to the point and picked out with so much thought. Each one was a hit, from a Football for Alexander, to Necklaces and Earrings for my Mom and I, Gloves for Opa and a Beer Stein, Cards and Snacks for his Papa He also got a gift for his Aunty Sam but since we are not sure she opened it yet I am not going to mention it. My Necklace is a Key as in a key to his heart ... very touching and a very precious gift to me!



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last Day of School and Memories

Today was the boys last day of school for the year 2011, of course they will still have school at home but no more Cottage School or German School.

The Christmas Party was truly lovely and all the kids did wonderful in their plays. Mrs. Struble was missed a lot but I know she would be proud of all the hard work that went into the finall week here at school. I had the pleasure to see many fellow parents step in and help. I wish I could name everyone by name but you who know me know that I am bad when it comes to names, however I can point out those who's names I know and who all were Angels throughout this school year so far: Pippi, Alia, Louise and also the beautiful soul of the Substitude Teacher who was and is a brave soul to take on someone else's Classroom, especially if that someone is Mrs. Struble, who is so loved and adored by all her kids. I most likely received the most meaningful gift today, for me at least. It was an extremely unexpected Gift and it is hard to tell you how much it touched me. One of the boys Classmates, Elizabeth, has been touching my heart all year. She is a most beautiful 7 year old Gil that has been battling a brain tumor now for almost 3 years. She is a tremendous fighter and her disposition is so sweet and inspirational. I so enjoy all conversations I have with Elizabeth's Mom, Alia, and I can tell you she is a much better and stronger woman then I am. She is so full of faith and being around them both always makes me leave feeling better about myself. Anyway, I received a beautiful bag that was hand painted from Elizabeth. It has her and my name on it and if you live close to me I can promise you you will see me out and about using this bag a lot.

 So, all this and reading through the Blog that the Bailey Family has, brought me to remember when we started our journey two years ago. I just retread my own blog for that first month of January 2010 and how I wonder now how I am comparing to the person I was then. Then I still carried a lot of hope which I think I still have now but I was not as disolutioned then which sadly I seem to be more so now. It will be our two year anniversary this Christmas and I know I had a hard time enjoying Christmas last year but this year I am mentally in a better place. Of course Connor is doing so much better now so this might be one reason. I do know the memory of how much fear I felt about us possibly loosing our baby boy will never leave my mind and all this happening during Christmas 2009 will always keep a shadow on my heart but I also know how lucky we were that we did not loose Connor and I am feeling the inclination again to visit a Church. I wanted to take my parents to a German Service in Denver last weekend but unfortunately it did not work out. Now my concern is that I so want to have my step back into a Church be so something touching but I still have the fear that the words in the sermon will not touch me but leave my cold again.

 On a lighter note :) I just went outdoors and we have quiet a winter storm going on. 4 inches in about 2 hours and it is still snowing heavily, so our white Christmas is pretty much guaranteed :)

Hugs, R A C A

Monday, December 19, 2011

A White Christmas? --- it is looking good!

So today we had the pleasure to drive up and down the mountain twice due to an am and an pm Doctor Appointment.
It also started snowing this morning so we knew we would be in for some possibly interesting driving conditions. As it happens we saw quiet a bit of snow but very powdery so no real impact on driving through it at all. Unfortunately other drivers were not the same opinion and drove much slower then I thought was necessary ;) ... however today I took a deep breath and just went with the flow and focused on how grateful I am to have a most wonderful car with four wheel drive and the perfect winter tires to go with it :) plus it was very picturest to listen to Christmas Songs and watching the snow fall around us.

I truly love Colorado in the summer the most but the charm this State can deliver during the Christmas Season is hard to beat. I at times feel we are living in a Postcard setting with the snowy mountains around us and the house being surrounded by Pine Tree's plus of course the Fireplace burning. The boys were out playing in the snow this afternoon followed by Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and my Mom was baking two new Christmas Cookies. Can you just imagine the wonderful feeling of coming in from outside smelling fresh baked cookies and the picking up a book and sit by the Fireplace to rest a bit?
We truly are lucky and there are many times I have to remind myself of all this when worries take over....

Hope this last week before Christmas is a calm one for you! We have two more days of school ahead including the Class Party along with two Christmas Plays.
We have been taking some downtime watching Christmas Movies and the boys are in love with the 'Home Alone' series. Even my mom laughs out loud watching them :) .. and NO! I am not catering to the boys wish to leave them Home Alone for a while ... - haha



Sunday, December 18, 2011

Closed for Bussiness...

So we are officially all under quarantine here at home due to this very mean stomach virus that has attackt our family. Connor went down first, followed by my Mom and Alexander. All of them are doing better now and we thought we were in the clear until yesterday when it first hit my Dad and them me ... So all our plans for this weekend is us sitting on the sofa and keeping up the hope that we might be able to loose some weight during the Christmas Season. So maybe all the peace and quiet I wanted for the Christmas Season came to us in the form of a virus since now we truly are not feeling guilty at all about sitting on the sofa or laying in bed watching TV, movies, read or nap. It was a tad sad that the boys missed out on their last day in German School for the year. We are so grateful to Frau Steinbach who has a true gift for teaching the boys and their German is truly picking up more speed. Of course having total immersion with Oma and Opa is helping a lot as well. Wishing all of you a great week leading up to Christmas. I am so happy to have my parents here with us and the true magical age of the boys, who at age 7 are still believing in the magic of Christmas, Nikolaus/Santa and the Christmas Child. Hugs, R A C A

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Snowboard Fittings, Play's and Denver Weekend!

So our very very busy weekend started bright and early on Friday when the boys and I headed with the Lake George Students to FairPlay for the Ski and Snowbaord fittings. It is truly wonderful of Christie Brinkley Sports to supply the equipments for all the kids! THANK YOU Park County once again for making this possible and we are so looking forward to the experience of having lessons for the boys in Breckenridge, starting January 6th until March 2nd :)
Of course Connor and Alexander were super excited about riding on a school bus for the first time in their lives. You can imagine they had ideas about how much fun it would be ... well, lets just say the excitement lasted for about 10 minutes and then I heard every two minutes for the 45 min drive at how BORED they were. Yes, can you imagine NO music to listen to, NO movies to watch ... oh what a shock for our spoiled little boys ;) I guess they will have to learn to talk to each other for the coming up trips to Breckenridge. Truly amazing how little time it took to see them appreciate the comforts of their Mom and Dad's cars - haha

On Saturday the boys got to say a Poem and sing a song to Nikolaus at their German School. It was fun to watch them and also here how much progress they are making when it comes to speaking in German to their lovely German Teacher.
After school we rushed up the Mountain to get ready for them to perform in their Christmas Play at the Florissant Grange. It was truly fun to watch all the kids and how well they all did. So much time and work went into this and all thanks to the most lovely and patient teacher ... Mrs. Carmilla Duncan. I loved the fact that I got to meet some wonderful fellow Mom's during all the weeks of practice and it was heartwarming to hear from another Mom who has 3 boys that the energy mine are putting out is still considered 'normal' - :) ;)
So, here is what we learned from this experience. The boys did well learning their lines but instead of loving the acting part were more interested in directing. They also got annoyed with Ron and i about practicing once they learned the lines but had not leaned yet when they had to say each line. Standing still and listening to others was not their favorite thing as we found out. This is were the patience factor came in. Ron and I kept enticing them about the countdown of the practice sessions and they became real happy when Ron promised them to light a fire in the fireplace outdoors after the play so they could burn their lines. This I think might have been the highlight for them. I did ask them both how they liked being on stage and having so many people there to watch the play and they both said they loved it. They were not shy at all but they also were not ready to commit to next years performance :)

Sunday morning we left right after breakfast for our get-away to Denver. Alexander still had no clue what was happening that day but he was super excited to see all the traffic once we reached Denver and seeing how many people were dressed in Orange to support the Bronco's. He begged us to drive by the Stadium so he could get a view of it and he was so happy when he saw it in the distance. We arrived at our Hotel only to see lots of Bronco and Bears fan's all over the lobby. He kept showing people the Bears Sweater he had on thanks to Grant! and he was smiling just knowing so many other people who loved football were around him. We checked in and went to our rooms to change and then when we got back to the lobby Ron handed me the two tickets to give to Alexander. I walked up to him and asked him if he was ready to go on his adventure with Papa. He said 'yes' and I told him he would need those two tickets to go. He starred at the tickets but still had no clue. I asked him if he could tell me what was on the tickets. He told me there was a Bronco's and Bears picture on it ... but he still had no clue. I then asked him if he knew where those two teams might be right now and he then looked at me and said 'At the Stadium?' after that it clicked and he squealed. He did not stop laughing and smiling for the rest of the day! Ron told me after the game that Alexander would look at him every 5 minutes and tell him how happy he was and how much he loved him. Alexander also made lot's of friends at the Stadium and even thought he was rooting for the Bears he was still happy to high five some Bronco Fan's as well.

Connor, Oma, Opa and I went on a sight seeing tour and also enjoyed the Christkindels Market in Denver. I love 16th Street and the Market did not disappoint either. We had some yummy German Foods as in a Bratwurst for Connor, Curry Wurst for my Mom and I and a Schnitzel for Papa. Connor finished up with a huge Cinnamon Pretzel that came with a warm Vanilla Sauce. We also had some Beer and Gluehwein and I was happy to know we would be walking all day ;) Right after the Christkindel Market we crossed 16th Street for some Ice Skating and it was truly lovely. We were thrilled that we met Dr. Soep at the Ice Ring who was just finishing up with her family. The day ended with some Hot Chocolate at Starbucks and then a great dinner and a Horse Carriage ride back to the Hotel. Alexander of course was able to talk even more about Football then before and I did not think this was possible! :)

We are home again and we are so grateful to Ms Lee, who looked after our home and three babies while we were gone!
Oh I do have to mention that we even scheduled in a stop a IKEA and that the experience was as always fun. The only thing I have to complain about is the hight limit that is in effect for the Children's Playroom. Can you imagine my face when I was told that Connor was fine but that Alexander could not come in due to being to tall? Well, he did get in after he took of his shoes and made the cut but truly, how ridiculous is this procedure? I think this is very unfair towards children that are tall! For one Connor and Alexander are obviously the same age and why can children that are shorter BUT older join into the fun of watching a movie but not the kids who are growing taller? I do not realize you have to be short to enjoy the movie 'The Lion King'. Knowing me this will be one recommendation I will be sending to IKEA ... the Playroom needs to be set by age and NOT by how tall you are.

Hope you all had a great weekend and now off to a good night sleep so we are rested for another busy week ahead.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

How busy is a Christmas Season with 7 year olds?


So we are entering the fray of Christmas activities starting tomorrow. Some preparations have started over a month ago with the Theater Play the boys are a part of. This performance will be shown on Saturday and is called 'A Child shall lead'. I think the boys will do great but you should see how happy they tell me they will be when it is over. They told us acting is to much work and are aiming now towards sports activities as they think they are not as much time intensive -haha

So tomorrow bright and early we are heading to Fairplay to have the boys fitted for their Snow Boarding gear. Lessons will start in January but the school wants to have all the kids set up with Ski's or Snow Boards plus all the other equipment. Connor and Alexander had the choice between Skiing and Snow Boarding but choose the later as it seems to be the more modern way to go :)

School will be out on the 21st and our dumplings will be part of another little play that Mrs. Struble is organizing. They love this one because there are no lines to learn. Connor will be a Mouse and has to snore and Alexander will be a Dad looking out the window for Santa and his Reindeer.
This Saturday before they first Play they also have German School and Nikolaus will make an appearance there as well. Then we have our weekend in Denver and sometime after Christmas I am sure we get to all sit back and relax again.

I am so so so grateful to have my parents here who are helping us so much. I am sure they think our life is very crazy right now!

As to some JM news we received a call today from CMH in Chicago and Dr. P and Dr. Curran would like for us to bring Alexander to Connor's next Appointment. It looks like they want some more lab work for the Research Study and we know Alexander will be thrilled to come along as he loves Chicago, even thought he is not a big fan about having his blood taken.

So hope all of you find some quiet time during the next couple of weeks, I know I will try my best to find some for us as well.



Friday, December 2, 2011

Oma & Opa, Saying Goodbye and Make A Wish ...

It has been two very busy days again and we just might be getting used to it ... maybe not but one can hope ;)

Oma and Opa arrived save and sound but with some stress elevation due to traveling standby. It turns out that even a flight from FRA to DFW that had 40 open seats in coach was not a safe bet after all. AA threw a loop at us by adding  freight to the 767 and then ending up weight restricted. All the regular passengers made it on but only by some juggling from the Agents and Ground crew did my parents make it on the plane. Two other D3's had to watch the plane pull away even thought it had lots of seats left. This unfortunately happened to me in Brussels once with AA and another 767 and back then I was the one waving after the plane .... The joys of being a nonrev. There was also some hiccups at Customs in DFW where the Agents and Volunteers could not agree on what form my parents should be filling out and this resulted in a delay as well. Good thing we had 3 hours between flight that cushioned us and we ended up with just one hour to wait in the end.

It was wonderful getting home after a long day, in which I ended up having many interesting conversations with Flight Attendants in the Crew Lounge and on the planes, also Passengers I met on both flights - I just wish I would have had the heart to tell one Eagle Flight Attendant who I met and who was all worried about the Bankruptcy that she should start applying to other Airlines, as she only has been with Eagle for one year! if they do start to layoff I would want a head start before all the others go looking and what can you loose with just one year seniority? I don't know but I feel for her!

It was very precious that Oma and Opa got to spend some time with Niki and Harlow last night and this morning. Unfortunately we had to leave at 9:30 am to get Niki to the DEN Airport for her flight home but we also had a date with Make A Wish at The Children's Hospital for Connor's Christmas Shopping trip.
Make A Wish once again outdid themselves and once again I felt tears in my eyes seeing so many sick kids in one place with so many smiles on their faces. Connor was so thrilled to be taken by two Elves (no Family allowed) into the Christmas Store. There he had 7 Christmas Dollars to spend, one Dollar each for the people he picked to buy gifts for and one for himself. After he picked out the gifts with the Elves help they then were wrapped and had cards attached so he could take them home and place them under the tree. There were a couple of moments that made my eyes tear up today and both were due to Connor. The Elves came out of the Store after about an hour to tell us that in the store was Santa, who would only sit with Make A Wish Children today but when it was Connor's turn to sit on his lap he told Santa that his brother really wanted to see him, too, and if he could please get Alexander to have a picture with Santa as well. Turns out Santa and the Elves had a big heart (no surprise here) and an exemption was made and Alexander was allowed to follow Connor into the Store. The second time I got teary was when one of the Elves told me how particular Connor was in picking out his gifts. She said he took his time looking at everything and gave a nod or a no with a great focus. When it came time to pick a gift for his Mom he looked at the Elves and said that one was easy because he knows already what I always want 'HIM'. It is exactly what I tell my dumplings all the time. Mommy does not need anything because I have the love of the most precious little boys in this whole world!!!!

So THANK YOU Make A Wish once again for bringing magic in all those beautiful children's eyes. Also for looking after all the siblings today! Alexander had so much fun watching the magic show and having his face painted. Of course juice and cookies are always a hit as well ;) For his Face Painting he wanted the Chicago Bears sign ... of course .... but since we were on the Bronco's home turf he got a Bronco spray painted on his face :)
Next week Ron has a HUGE surprise in store for Alexander to give some balance to all this and it is a surprise to Alexander at this point but we know he will be over the MOON. All he is asking us and begging us for for Christmas revolves around Football and the Chicago Bears, with his second favorite team being the Bronco's Well ... next Sunday in Denver the Bears are playing the Broncos and Ron was able to get some Nosebleed seats for $100 each. At this price we knew we could not afford for all of us to go so Ron will take Alexander while my parents, Connor and I will spend the day downtown Denver. I so wish Alexander could get a close look at the Football Players ...but never less we know the experience for him will be priceless!

Niki and Harlow made it back home to LAS and unfortunately Harlow s running a fever so we hope she will recover soon!!!! We will miss them here as the time spend together was very precious. I was proud of the boys how considered and attentive they were to Harlow and of course I loved my conversation with my favorite youngest daughter!

We also have good news from the Herndon Family. Ren got through her second surgery well and seems to be recovering better this time then the first time around. We are hoping her parents are feeding her lots of ice cream and also the same amount to her lovely sister Addie!



Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So the coming weeks/months will be very nerve racking for us and it was truly heartbreaking what happened yesterday.

I was so proud of AA not having gone into Bankruptcy after Sep. 11, 2001, as so many Airlines had and I was counting on the fact that the 30% - YES 30%!!! cut in pay we all took 8 years ago would help save the company and keep it going. I thought that was the promise we were given so all of this just truly broke my heart and also makes me want to hyperventilate to think we are now faced with more loss in income but also Insurance Coverage but most importantly Ron's Retirement. Without that we are going to be in serious trouble.
Now I know AA will pull through this Bankruptcy just fine in regards to all it's customers. They still have some money and are in better shape as the other carriers were when they went in. I also know to be competitive it will help AA to slim down but it is a hard pill to swallow if you gave your professional life to them and now realize it did not mean much at all.

On to better things here, we are having a wonderful time with Niki and Harlow who are visiting us, and it has been very precious all around. The boys adore Harlow and we had a fun trip to see Santa at the North Pole.
Tomorrow I am heading to Dallas to pick up Oma and Opa and we are going to be ready set and go for our Christmas Season to start :)

Hugs tonight to all our AA friends! We survived 9/11 and a 30% pay cut and let's hope we can survive this one with out to much more sacrifice...


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gearing up for Christmas ...

I can not believe that we are as good as done with setting up our Christmas Decorations for this year! It has been a busy last two days but the best part about them was the fact that we never left the house! I am not to eager to head out to any stores but unfortunately my refrigerator and pantry are asking for a trip down the mountain ;)

I did read a blog entry today from Hopes Mom and how it is not possible to feel all joyful over any Holiday once you loose a child. Yes, there is still gratitude towards others but the pain over shadows it all. I wonder how many of us think about this when we hear all the time how thankful we all should be .... Reading her blogs always make me so sad but I know I am wiser and my eyes are more open do to reading them!

Thank You to the Stenzel Family for the remark under my last post! I tried to respond but the blog would not let me so I am posting here instead! Connor is adjusting really well to the change from the injections to the oral Methrotrexate and we have not tapered any more on the Prednisone. Dr. Soep figured we take on one battle at a time :) He has been complaining about some knee and leg pain lately but only after he goes to bed, never during the day. So this has us wondering a bit as we think he might just likes to push back bedtime.
How are the three of you? Hoping Emma is doing great and that the Holiday Season will be a fun one for you all!

To my friend Trudi, I am so thrilled for you and your new toy! I know many people say that true happiness can only come from within but I tell you I feel such joy and happiness each time I pick up mine ;) you know what I am talking about and I am not mentioning the name because I am sure most reading this blog are tired of my fan club towards one company. Hugs and enjoy!

So I am off now to put our two dumplings to bed. Alexander has been under the weather all day with some diarrhea and we hope he will bounce back tomorrow.

Good Night!



Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all of you precious Friends and Family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

So this year I am definitely not tempted at all to join the shopping frenzy that started today and lasts until the 24th of December. I could skip all the Christmas Shopping at this point and I am readjusting my thinking all around. I have no cravings or needs at all and we already got the gifts for the boys.

Yesterday Ron watched our boys and Alexander while I helped Clare to load up the U-Haul she rented and close up the house. It was a heartbreaking time to work side by side and then see the house all empty and knowing this will be my last time there. The whole process took longer then we thought and instead of heading towards Lake Tahoe yesterday we were lucky to see that Clare decided to spend the night with us and then head out this morning. The boys were in heaven having a sleep-over and Ron and I got the precious treat of having some time with Clare before she would leave Colorado for good. I wish I could put into words what it felt like seeing them leave this morning but all I can say is that it was a very sad, sad feeling. I moved so many times and had to say Goodbye to so many dear friends and family over the years but it seems to get harder the older I get.

Today has been a nice and quiet a day for us relaxing and playing some Basketball and Football with our dumplings. Ron and Alexander also enjoyed watching Football and Connor and I got to watch a movie and then work in the kitchen. I love that my husband is in charge of the Turkey, which was smoked this year and turned out wonderful.

The only hiccup I had today was watching the news. I am loosing my nice streak at times but I find it very ironic to listen to how bad our Economy is and how high the unemployment rate is but then watch the frantic shopping spree happening right now and continuing on tomorrow. I did not realize that big screen TVs, Computers and Game Station qualify as a need and necessity. Oh, and all these poor and starving families who are receiving free food, none of them looked like they were starving to me. Yes, I am getting my hands slapped for saying this one!!!! - all while our obesity rates are going up! I identify starving with different pictures but not what they showed me today. Then there was this family who said how very grateful they were to receive all this free food while right behind them on the wall in their home was a huge big screen TV hanging! and how about the iPhone in your hand??? maybe you don't have money for food because you are paying close to $200 a month for your cell phone service! oh well, it is all about priorities. Am I the only one that thinks this is all a sham? When the news are showing me empty stores and people laying on the street starving as they are in other countries then you can ask me again to show sympathy and change my attitude. All this worries me!

Oh, I also almost called off sending Christmas Cards this year as well but after some thought and talking to Ron I did select to send out a few. I guess I am not turning into a complete Grinch ;)



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Methrotrexate, the Boys and things to be grateful for :)

In our JDM news I am very happy to report that we are now on week two of Connor's switch to the oral Chemo treatments and it seems to be a success. No side effects that we can tell and he is a trouper when it comes to swallowing 8 pills at once. Compared to the 0.8 ml injection of the Methrotrexate, he thinks it's the best gift ever and I believe him as it is a huge relief for me to not having to inject him every week!

Connor and Alexander are doing very well at Theater Class as well and have memorized all their lines already. They were so proud when the teacher told them how happy she was with them and I admit I knew they would do well as I think they are born entertainers. The challenge during Theater Class has been the fact that not only do they want to act but they also want to direct the play and constantly offer their advice on how it should play out, once again a lot of credit to them having patient teachers ;)

Right now the boys are in German School which they love and I just finished my errands of shipping two packages and shopping for Thanksgiving and also for our Goodbye Dinner for Clare and Alexander. Their house sold and they are heading to Lake Tahoe on the 23rd to join Shelly. We are sad to see them go but also very happy that their new adventure is all falling into place. I mentioned it in an earlier post that I thought their house would sell fast and it did :)

Today I am grateful for places like Starbucks and McD's who offer free wifi for the downtimes I have once I finish my errands on Saturdays. Great business sense if you ask me :) I admit I am fascinated lately with the facts why some businesses still make money even if the economy is down. My believe is you do well as long as you offer either a superb product or if you offer exceptional Customer Service. Perfection is when you offer both as in my all times beloved Apple Products. So should you need gift ideas head to an Apple Store and you can be guaranteed to make someone happy in a consumer thinking world - haha.

Oh, and most importantly we also received wonderful news this week as in the results that Connor and Alexander's friend does NOT have a brain tumor! Now they are still looking for a diagnosis but we are thrilled that this one was ruled out!

Happy Thansgiving week!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So this week it was our precious Bella's turn to have surgery as she got spayed and all her needed shots on Monday. I am happy to say all went well and we were thrilled and happy to have her back home on Tuesday after her spending the night at the Clinic.
The boys were pretty upset about her being gone for one night and there were some tears. Now that she is home and recovering the challenge is from keeping her from jumping and climbing for one week as this is something she loves to do. So for now her home is in a controlled area as in the guest bedroom :)

We also have great news about an upcoming visit from Niki and Harlow. They will come and spend some time with us towards the end of November and if all goes as planned then my parents should be able to see them as well as hopefully they will arrive on the 1st of December.

As far as this week is going it has been as busy as usual and I am looking forward to catching a break next week for Thanksgiving. Have I mentioned yet that we are as good as done with our Christmas Shopping for the boys???? So no matter how many Advertisements enter our home I am done with shopping - I hope.

Oh, and I finally finished my book 'Steve Job's' and highly recommend it if you love Apple. As to me I think I dislike PC's and Microsoft even more now that I read the book and I did not think that was possible - haha.



Monday, November 14, 2011

AA Boeing 777 - Congratulations Captain Ron Smith

Congratulations to my husband who was just award his bid to the Boeing 777.

My favorite Airplane all around! As of now it looks like his Base will be Miami so some beach time should be around the corner :)

I am so thrilled, happy and proud!

Hugs Captain Smith!

R A C A 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My love for Sundays!

I have never appreciated Sundays as much as I have for the last month or so. This past week was way to busy for my taste and I was happy to see it come to an end. I know I said it before and I repeat myself but for a Stay at Home Mom who is Home Schooling I was in my car way to much this week. We were on the go from Monday to Saturday adding way to much milage to my precious car and today I promised I would not even step out of my PJ's and as of 2:30 pm that still holds true ;)

I wish I could list all the things we did this week but it was such a blur that I can hardly recall the beginning of the week and since I completely changed everything to iCloud on my computer and iPad last night I now find myself faced with a Calendar that has been erased. This is almost funny as I my heart used to sink looking at our busy schedule ahead and now I am looking at clear weeks ahead with nothing planned. Not seeing my old schedule should have me upset but instead I find myself laughing because I love the freedom I see even if it is a deception. However, should I miss any event I was suppose to make an appearance at then I am hoping you got to read this blog and you know why I am a no show :)

One thing I do remember about last week was the boy's Sankt Martin's Parade with their German School on Friday night and it was very precious. It was actually a very big turn out and we walked the streets in Old Colorado City between 6 pm and 7 pm with lots of different home made Lanterns and singing four different German Songs. I actually had to laugh then as well, as I pictured what the people in the neighborhood must have been thinking seeing so many Kids and Adults walking through the dark, singing songs in a language they probably did not understand. At one point my mind got the best of me when we stopped and sang a song and the light in the house next to us came on. I was counting down the minutes to see if someone with a gun drawn would jump out and think they got invaded by Germans ... I know I have a sick sense of humor but knowing how gun happy people can be I was a bit anxious at times. However all went safe and sound and it was fun. The four of us ended the night with Dinner out and a late night to bed when we had to face an early morning for another drive down the Mountain for the boys Saturday School.

So I am  hoping all is well with all of you and we are keeping once again some kids in our minds who we care so much about. May the MRI for Grant bring answers tomorrow in a good way! and also sending hugs to little Ren who is facing another surgery for her Adnoids.

Now that my schedule is clear even if it might be only in my mind, my MacBook Pro and iPad ... I might run with it and start with a new slate of focusing on school here at home, shipping some promised boxes and getting this house cleaned. Yes, I will remember to take the boys to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday and to Theater Practice on Friday but that's it ... hey, wait ... looks like I am booked once again for 4 days out of my 6 day work week ... I better stop while I am ahead and feel the guilt to add more.... Haha!



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Steve Jobs ...

So I am working my way through this book and I am loving it. Very eye opening and I am now hopeful that our dumplings extreme confidence and drive to be different then the masses might not be so far of the track when you compare how challenging some of the brightest minds in this country have been as children. Very willful and then the added influence with LSD and Acid ... Followed to dropping out of College (Bill Gates as well but without the drugs).
So no matter how crazy some people think Steve Jobs might have been, he made me a fan and I truly do smile each day I pick up my ipad2. I also love my ibookPro. Beauty and perfection on one place .... Best of all he was inspired by some German Engeneering and owned a Porsche 928, BMW Bike and Mercedes. All beautiful with style and power. So I m grateful for this book to give me glimpse into his life.

Now I have to figure out how to tune our dumplings towards the technology sector for their future ... Haha. Nothing sweeter then having a product that makes you smile :)

As to JDM news, Connor took his 8 Methrotrexate Pills this afternoon and we are hoping he will have a good night and all goes well. I loved my break from giving a shot.



Monday, November 7, 2011

Aftermath of IVIG ....

As to JDM news it was a very rough two days for Connor following his Infusion Day. He dealt with a low grade fever ranging from 99.8'F to 100.2'F, which would have been not so bad but he also dealt with some raging headaches that kept him crying. He felt better came Sunday and our oh so cherished day off. I think the culprit was due again to the faster infusion speed. So Sunday went well but today Connor was battling some Attitude behaviors and also a very low tolerance when trying to control his frustrations. He is very lucky that the person his frustrations aim at is taking it in stride and more or less ignores his older brother. So while C was a challenge most of the day, A was the polar opposite today as in being focused and attentive. If C was still on high doses of Steroids I would point my finger there but we are down to o.5 ml a day so hardly worth mentioning it. So possibly this is just a normal growing pain and he will be my little Angel again tomorrow while A gives us a run for the money ;)

The boys loved making Lantern's at the German School on Saturday and are very excited about the Sankt Martin's Parade on Friday night. I was happy I talked myself into taking a run while the boys were in school and enjoyed the beautiful trails and scenery at the Garden of the Gods. It was a cool morning so I did add some calories afterwards of having a Hot Chocolate at Starbucks to warm up.

Today I have been not felling well and have to Thank my husband for letting me take a long nap again and also him taking care of the boys and I for lunch and dinner. I am so so so grateful to be able to stay low today as this week will have us on the go everyday from morning to night until Sunday. Just thinking about it makes me tired but then on the flip side your brain has all those thoughts and ideas to plan and one might wonder when good sleep will be a part of our life again. I admit I belong now to the couple of Million of woman (according to ABC World News) that take sleep aids daily, in my case Ambien or Stillnox is my drug of choosing;) Those little pills keep me sane for the night because without them I sit up for up to 4 hours thinking of all the worst scenarios that could happen to all of us and how unprepared I feel. Once 7 am comes around all looks bright and clear again so I am saved again for another 13 hours before I feel the need to worry ;)

Today we are sending some thoughts to a friend of a friends daughter (Chandler) who is going in for some sever and intense surgery. This is very scary I am sure for a little girl but also so heartbreaking for her Mom and Family. Connor and Alexander's favorite older friend Grant is also scheduled for an MRI on the brain to look for a tumor and this has been on our dumplings minds daily. This exclusive club you are part of ... no worry that your best friend might move away to another State where you are still able to Skype, txt or FB ... no the friends you make on the Oncology and Infusion Floors may be faced with a different move and one that makes keeping in touch a lot harder. So my sweet Alexander, after hearing about Grants MRI started crying and saying he does not want to loose his best friend. So our conversations in the car are not about music or school events but about different kind of tumors and different types of treatment options. You 7 year olds are learning about Statistics which you as the Parents hope more then anything that your child will be the exception.

I am in complete awe at the exposures my son's are having when it comes to diseases and battles kids are fighting all around us. I am convinced this imprint will make then the people they will be when they are Adults. Connor and Alexander told me frequently that they want to adopt children when they are ready to have kids, they also tell me frequently that they love the fact we as parents don't push our believes on them and that they can speak their mind freely even if it is not the path we would choose. So no surprise for me but some other people present during Theater Class to hear my youngest speak up loud and clear that he does not believe in Jesus or God (Yes, he is playing in a Christmas Play and wants to participate). The director asked me if this would be an issue and I answered no, Alexander loves acting and he is playing a role so she will get his best focus. The part that touched my heart the most was later on when we were finishing up and Alexander looked at me and said "Thank You Mommy for letting me have my own opinion". He is as proud as me, as confidence and as outspoken and I still think he will rule the world someday if he would just focus on learning to read and write - haha

Wishing you all a pleasant week ahead ... and no more Earthquakes for my OK Family!!!
and below here are some pictures I took during my jog through the Garden of the Gods ... I am sure hoping all the Rattlesnakes know it is time to hibernate right now!



Thursday, November 3, 2011

Correction to last Post

So sorry about all the spelling mistakes and grammar in my last post below this one. I was typing it at the Hospital on the iPad and then accidentally entered it but could not go back to correct it .... yeichs.

Never less, we are home now and I added more to the last post plus some pictures so please go back to the blog and reread!



TCH IVIG ... 4 1/2 hours turn to 9 hours...

Today is Connors Infusion day and it was heartbreaking to watch how excited he was about today due to it also being our 'Date Night'.
Last night Connor picked out some of his nicest clothing and also asked his Dad if he could borrow a bow tie. He asked me to take money out of his piggy bank so he could take me to a Movie and Dinner today (of course I did not raid his piggy bank;)
All went well this morning as the two of us left at 6 am to arrive at The Children's Hospital just a tad before 9 am. Traffic was horrid but we still arrived at time and Connor was in his room and hooked up by 9:30 am. All was going very well and Connor was even trying to not act nervous even thought he was on edge that he got a nurse he did not know. I was happy because with a 4 1/2 hour infusion time we should be on our way to C- Springs and our Date just a bit after 2 pm if you include the Methrotrexate.
So with 9 min left on the Infusion timer I texted Ron that we are as good as done and then things started to get interesting. His nurse came in and ended the infusion and pushed through the Methotrexate. She left and shortly after another nurse came in to unhook him. She looked at the bags on the pole and then excused herself. Shortly after that she came in with our original nurse and the talked a bit and then informed us that this morning the clamp for the IVIG was not released and that Connor has been getting just Saline for 4 1/2 hours. Which meant the bag with the IVIG was still hanging there full. So the only solution now was for us to stay another 4 hours to get Connors medicine in. This was a shock for all of us. Connor started crying non stop, my heart sank because I knew this would be heartbreaking for him and also I kept asking myself why I did not look at the bags at all after the infusion started. The only excuse is we never had this issue before so I just did not expect this. Of course our Nurse felt horrible as well and she tried to comfort Connor with gift cards to McDonalds or a Gift card for Target. Connor being upset of course told her he des not like McDonalds nd that he does not shop at Target so No Thank You ... I on the other hand told him if he takes the Target Card he can get himself a small toy, so he did end up taking it in th end. It was a good lesson however for Connor to learn that people will make mistakes and that you have to accept the things you can not change. I pointed out to him that the Nurse was feeling very bad and that due to this she is unable to head home to her 2 year old son and now had to stay four hours longer then scheduled. As it turned out we left the Hospital at 5:50 pm and we were the only people left on the Infusion Floor, the two of us and our Nurse. No one else ... even the cleaning crews were gone by the time we finished up. So we had to postpone the movie but we still had Dinner at Connor's favorite Mexican Restaurant in Woodland Park :)

Once Connor settled back down in the Hospital he watched the movie Hook for the 4th time. I can see why he loves Peter Pan so much ... I know there are days I would prefer to not be a grown up... :)

We also got a lovely surprise from Ron and Alexander once we finished our Dinner. The stopped by after a busy day in the Springs of shopping and a movie. Now I have to take Connor to the movies tomorrow so he can have his full date experience.

I left some of the best news until the end. Today might have been Connor's LAST IVIG Infusion!!!! Dr. Soep said we should give it a try and while his Bloodwork is not all perfect it looked stable:) Also, Connor begged Dr. Soep to please stop the Methrotrexate Shot's but she said he will still need his weekly Chemo Therapy but she will let him try to take them Orally. My goodness you should have seen Connor's smile! Of course there are factors to this so we are keeping our fingers crossed. For one Connor in the past did not have as good as an absorption with Drugs when he took the orally therefor all the Infusions and Shots. Also he is on 0.8 ml of the Chemo Shot so that will translate for him having to take 8 Pills! a lot to swallow for a little boy but he says he can do it!

Signing off with some Pictures from Date Night :)


and signing off after realizing Connor and I had now a 16 hour day, 5 of those in the car during 30 mph bumper to number rush hour traffic ... oh the joy! Sleeping Day tomorrow so NO early phone calls will be allowed ...