Connor, the oldest of our 9 year old twin boys was diagnosed on 11 January 2010 with Dermatomyositis. This blog was created for our family and friends to follow along on our journey to get him into remission and our fight to find a Cure. However, by now this blog has turned into more then just Connor's fight with JDM but also about our Life in general,which now includes a Diagnosis of ADHD for our Baby Boy, Connor's identical Twin Brother, Alexander.
Timeline from first symptom to diagnosis

Friday, October 3, 2014
A new Chapter for us!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Memorial for a little Classmate...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Surgeries, Therapies and end results ....
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Taking Stock... Medicine Free and traveling
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger
Friday, June 20, 2014
Colorado Renaissance Festival
We are planning on going not this but the following weekend to celebrate my grand daughters 2 year birthday there.
Here is what you can find there:
The Colorado Renaissance Festival, Colorado's premier summertime event, is Celebrating 38 years in a style unique only to those who visit the picturesque mountain venue of Larkspurshire. Patrons take a magical tour through time and legend and enjoy as hundreds of Colorfully costumed characters entertain continuously upon the village streets and on the Festival's 10 stages. More than 200 period artisans sell their one-of-a-kind works and demonstrate their unique crafts along the wooded streets and pathways.
Hugs and hoping you are all having a wonderful summer so far!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Happy JDM news for Connor and us! ❤️
Let’s taper as follows:
--Decrease methotrexate to 0.6ml weekly for three weeks
--Decrease methotrexate to 0.4ml weekly for three weeks
--Repeat blood tests
--Decrease methotrexate to 0.2ml weekly for three weeks
--Discontinue methotrexate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--Follow-up in 3 weeks and get labs at that time
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mothers Day ❤️
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Walking Casts....
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Some tears and disappointments....
Monday, March 31, 2014
Recovery and two determined warriors :)
It has been one week today since the surgeries and as of now they are off pain meds and have been back in school since Thursday (at home on the sofa with their feet propped up). They are both getting much more confident on their crutches and the most amazing part is that there is no complaining at all!
I admit that I am super grateful about them walking on their crutches now. Carrying 27 kg heavy kids around has been hard and getting up every two hours for medications and bathroom breaks made me feel as if we were back to the Mommy stage of having 'little' kids.
It has been absolute heaven having 'Oma' here as well. To have the help on things that are not elated to the boys care has been the greatest gift.
YAY for family!
As smooth as most of it went I still keep my fingers crossed that by some miracle we could get around having the same surgery done on their left feet's!
Oh and here is a funny anecdote that made me laugh. When Connor had his worst pain he said he wanted for me to go and get him a white needle for his homemade Voodoo Doll he had made after our trip to Nola last year. I told him I don't have one for him but I could put one in the Doll that I had bought and that came with a white and black needle. Now we had never used the dolls for that regard as it was meant as decoration of sorts. So I took the white needle and inserted it into the right ankle. According to both my dumplings they said they have been pain free since that night… Well, whatever works and I think that little doll might be put to work more often now ;)
Hugs and thank you all so much for checking in
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Surgery Day, Oma's arrival and the day after....
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Surgery Date is set...
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Surgery update
It looks like the main Surgeon, Dr. Mindy Siegel, is not sure yet when she will return to the Clinic, and in order for the boys surgery to not be pushed back to much we are now going to switch Surgeons.
Dr. Shaw will take a look at Connor and Alexander next week on March 4, and depending how his surgery schedule is like there is a possibility then that the surgery could be as soon as March 26. If for any reason Dr. Siegel returns prior to the surgery she will then take back over.
Alexander was already in his PT season when I talked to the scheduler but Connor was right next to me. So he told them that he wants it done as soon as possible. He wants to be able to figure out how to walk with crutches before his Birthday comes around - Now if it had been Alexander by my side he would have tried to talk everyone out of scheduling the surgery period.
My precious youngest might have had his health battles in his life BUT they were mostly happening before the age of 3, which means a lot of his memories are purely put together from us telling him. He is very scared about all this and of course does not have his brothers acceptance of things. So in a twisted way it will be good for them to go through this together, since one thing Alexander has and that is a competitive streak that might help him recuperate after surgery if he sees his brother is pushing forward.
Monday, February 24, 2014
How are you?
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Make that times 2: Right side tipial derotational osteotomy medial calcaneal slide Evans lengthening.
Today I had a long talk with the boys Physical Therapist Miss Allison, who when I informed her that Connor was receiving the above mentioned surgery in April, right away asked me about Alexander's surgery date.
Well, I told her that the Doctor said we should give Therapy a try for another three months. She said she would talk to the Doctor but her assessment after 3 months of therapy is that the issues will not be able to be corrected by therapy alone.
As if our youngest had an idea about those kind of news he actually got sick on the drive to PT this am. He had to throw up and Connor being the supportive brother he is said for him to lay back and relax as we were on our way to the Hospital anyway ;)
By the time we got home there was a voice mail from the Hospital and it said that the Doctor looked over the x-rays again and compared Connor's and Alexander's and he agrees that Alexander needs the surgery as well. So they will try to schedule them for the same day if possible. Twins since Birth, twins with the Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome and now twins in Casts in a bit under 2 months.
They both have been through a lot but this will be the first time they will be having surgeries at the same time and I was grateful to hear that my Mom will be flying in for the boys Birthday in April and hence will be here for the surgeries as well!
The boys are fighters and will get through this Spring and Summer with feet's in casts, I am not worried about them getting through this at all, I am just a Mom who hates them going through pain. So my wish will be that this will be as painless a journey as possible and that by fall and winter they be back to running and skiing or snowboarding.
Until April we will try to be on the go and as active as possible as I am guessing we will be laying low come April……
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Right side tipial derotational osteotomy medial calcaneal slide Evans lengthening.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
This is huge in so many ways! The Prednisolone and Solumedrol have been our biggest mental fight and for Connor a physical and emotional fight. We know the steroid is one of the biggest drug in the fight against this disease but watching your son put this drug into his body for 4 years, 1460 days plus, has been heartbreaking in its own way. The side effects are so wide reaching, 'minor ones' are weight gain and slowing of growth. A bigger concern had been his eye sight which were checked almost every 3 months. On an emotional battle Connor had to deal with the mood swings steroid causes. From sadness, depression to anger and frustrations. Emotions that can't be controlled and are all do to the impact steroids have on the brain.
So to get the e-mail that Connor's blood work from Monday came back looking great again and that we can stop the steroid for now was in our book one of the best news we had in relations to JDM in 4 years!
Is the battle over? No not yet. He is not in remission and will still need his weekly Methrotrexate/Chemo injections for now, but one step at a time!
Thank You to everyone of you that celebrated with us yesterday through FB. You all, or most of you, have been with us from the get go and so you realized what complete joy this brought to us.
On a little by note, when I received the e-mail I called everyone together and sad I had some great JDM news for Connor. Connor yelled out; "YAY THEY FOUND A CURE!'.
This makes you realize how much that is in the front of Connors mind. No Cure yet but that day will come! I am counting on it.
I am off now to take Alexander soon for his Orthopedics Appointment. While one is celebrating progress our other dumpling is worried he might need surgery on his foot or feet soon. No rest yet in the medical world but one step at a time.
Much Love!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Another 'Group' - Home Schooling
Monday, January 27, 2014
The need to belong and be understood?
I have the tendency to criticize the Sheep mentality when I feel as humans we to easily follow someone or something instead of stopping to think for ourselves. I often challenge those around me to not take the easy route and follow the stream but to turn and swim against it sometimes ;)
However I am now wondering if there is a need to know that there are others like us and that we are indeed not swimming alone :)
I always believed I did everything my own way and in many ways I feel it fits me very well. I went against the stream each time I felt I was told I could not do something. Often it payed off and other times it backfired.
However back to needing this feeling to belong…. I look back and I realize I do have the tendencies to add myself to certain Groups but also leave them easily once I move on to another interest or subject.
The first beloved group was in the early years of 2000 and was called CAR Ladies. CAR stood for Center of Assisted Reproduction. We were a fun group of women who talked online and met for lunches and dinners and who all had one thing in common, We were dealing with infertility. So all of us went to the same clinic with the hope of becoming pregnant. We were an amazing support for each other as the Invitro Treatments are anything but fun. We could relate to each other on the numerous injections we had to take daily and how our whole life was consumed with trips to the clinic and daily blood draws. Truly I looked like a junkie as my arms were bruised up and down from the numerous blood draws. We cried a lot when the a procedure was unsuccessful. We laughed and were happy when one of us succeeded and carried to term. Those women made this time period bearable in many ways. We all sooner or later lost touch as in time there was either success, defeat or as in our case turning our focus towards Adoption. Of all the great women I met I have to admit I am only in touch with one all these years later……
Then I made the transition into the next Group setting in the form of Adoption Support Groups. In this one I admit I mostly observed as there was a lot of diversity in regards to Adoptions. Those who adopted within the US and those who went Internationally. I did get more involved once we had started the process and we found a support group for just the Agency we were using. Here once again we moved on after about 1 year after the Adoption was final with our Dumplings. I stayed in the group for another year to help those that were just starting the process but life gets very busy when you are a Parent of Twins so this also tempered off. In this Group as well I was friends with many but are now only in touch with one family.
So off I went and found a new group to replace the old. I became friends with other Twin Mommies. I was lucky to meet a fellow Twin Mom at a mall and together we joined a Multiples Club. While I left the Club when we moved from TX to CO, I can happily say you don't really outgrow having twins so we are still friends with many families we met. I joke many times that there is a certain language you speak when you are a parent of multiples and I felt so at home talking to fellow moms that I met. Actually two of my best friends came out of that group :)
Following this came the next group adventure a few years later. This one I did not seek out but were and are grateful for it. I think while I truly did not want to be a part of this group I will belong in it one form or another for the rest of Connor's and my life. That group would be CureJM and just as with the Twins Community, here as well you feel as if you speak a different language that only those in the loop understand.
I guess at this point I am pretty fluent in Infertility, Adoption, Twin Parenting and JDM…… Still learning of course as with everything else it becomes dangerous if we feel we know it all….
So there are certain labels that we receive through our life and some stick and some we leave behind. I embrace the lessons I learned in all of them. I believe all of them shaped my life and might have changed my characters to a small degree. However they do not define me as a person. Just because we have one thing in common with others does not make us clones. Of course I get thrilled when I meet someone in a group that has similar believes and approaches, so there might be a little bit of sheep in me after all, but please remember I do claim the color black - lol
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Schedules ;)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Out trip to Germany for my Mom's 80th Birthday Party was truly wonderful! The flights all went off without a hitch (not always an easy feat when traveling Standby) and the crews we met where truly some of the best at AA. Attentive, kind and FUNNY. The boys were adored and my heart was so proud once again.
In Germany my Sister Elke had pulled of an amazing and fun Party. There was food to feed about 100 people and the Party itself was about 60 people strong. My Nephew Lukas had prepared a bar that served yummy Non and Alcoholic Drinks all night long (until 4am).
The best part of it all however was being able to visit with Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Neighbors and Friends. 60 People that mean and meant so much to me growing up and are still a force in my life now. It hit me at one point that this is truly the greatest legacy we are giving our boys. A network of people that show and teach them that kindness, compassion and acceptance are still common and should be something that exists everywhere.
A patchwork of people that come from all different backgrounds, political believes and religion.
Another observation I made for myself is that people tend to be kind and polite towards each other in life if they are face to face. So I am wondering if access to a keypad and touch screen really changes how we interact. There are the moments we feel the need to critique each others political opinions, religions that are present or absent, we brag about our kids and how we all have that perfect family, kids, spouses, life. People will call each other names so easily but I wonder if they had to stand in front of a crowd and call someone a hateful name would they still do it? I doubt it ;)
I remember how long ago, 1996 to be correct, I entered an elevator in a high-rise in Miami. A man was already in it and I said as usually 'Hello, how are you today?'. His responds was not what I expected as instead of smiling and saying 'Fine, Thank You, how are you?', he instead started crying and told me that the love of his life had just left him. Back then I was in my early twenties and was not truly equipped in giving him counsel in any form. I told him I was sorry.
If he had posted his heartbreak on FB nowadays I bet he would get countless replies from friends and acquaintances within minutes.
Today I wondered about my integrity as I was upset to find a Van stuck in our driveway this morning. We had an appointment with a company who told us they be out today to replace both our car windshields this morning. Then they show up with a two wheel drive van that had pretty much bare tires as in hardly any thread left on them. I posted it on FB as I just don't understand why any business or person who lives up here and works up here does not own a reliable 4 wheel or front wheel drive vehicle that has good tires. It bothers me because I see it as a safety issue. It shouldn't as it does not impact my life but I do not want people hurt or stuck somewhere in the Mountains when it is cold and often no cell phone reception is available. In our case we had a clean driveway and Ron was able to pull them up.
So when they were done I told them that I worry about them driving this van. Both of them were young men, much younger then me for sure, and I was actuality surprised to see them ask me for driving advice (yes they looked serious!) So here I was telling them about how important it is to downshift on a downhill pass or slope, and how they would have made it up the driveway if they had kept up the speed in their van. I know having a good car is an expense and investment, but I believe it is an important factor for us here in the Rocky Mountains.
I admit I did not expect for them to listen to my advice as I find men especially are sensitive when it comes to cars and driving. I love cars and I love to drive.
So I guess when I reaxamine what I say to people and what I post online then I am truly feel I am honest. I look at what I post, may it how I feel about things, how I stand politically or in my believe and I know for a fact I say the same words to people just the way I type them. No guessing for anyone where I stand :)
I think that is a good thing. So back to having a great Family. I think it is possible for most if one agrees to disagree. So does the PERFECT Family exist? NO, do great Families show respect towards each other? YES
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Super Powers over the ages :)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Question... Is having an Illness or Disease a 'Get our of Jail' Card?
I think I talked on my blog before how Ron and I had to make a decision in how to parent Connor after he got sick. There is a certain mentality that comes with being sick that can cross over to entitlement when so much attention goes towards someone you feel bad for. For us the call was easy. Connor would be treated the same way, everyday, in regards to rewards and discipline for his behavior as we were treating his twin brother.
Yes, there are some things as in helping around the house that we had to adjust but Connor's strength is in doing things stationary so he could write or help in the kitchen while Alexander is the more active one who then helps with setting the table or getting our drinks set up for dinner.
As to behavior, we realized that Connor picked up an attitude when he first came home from the hospital that the world should be focusing on him. However I feel almost every 5 year old feels that way to some degree. We sat him down and made it clear that he is an equal part of the family and NOT on a higher pedestal then his brother.
Was it harder for him to learn to control his emotions? Oh yes. We are talking about a disease that needs medicines that are very mood altering. He had less patience and was more moody, but we told him if in any form his behavior is hurtful to anyone he will have to face the consequence. Punishments in our house are usually a writing assignment about what the offense was and then a letter of apology to the person that was hurt and having to read it out loud to them.
Four years later we still deal with some issues but then what is part of life and what is due to a disease? Let's face it as I keep saying none of us is perfect.
I for example get very passionate about politics and religion and there are times I wish I would not react so fast but sleep on it. Easier said then done. I need to realize if what I say works towards making a situation better or is it just igniting a bigger fire? I find out often it is not for the better ;)
Alexander, my baby boy, is challenged in the slowing down part. He reacts and acts even faster then I do. Everything has to happen fast. He never learned to walk but started running. He eats fast, he talks fast etc etc.
We all have our issues and many times how can you say what is related to a disease and what is just part of growing up?
I am mentioning all this because I have been observing a behavior online that makes me worried.
Can you as an adult go and enter political discussion, get very vocal, accuse people and even call them names but when the accused fight back then stop and pull out the 'Get out of Jail Card' as in 'Everyone is mean to me when I am fighting a Disease'. Now the phenoman is that for many of us our first reaction is 'Oh no, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. We had no idea and how horrid people will argue with you.'
Now jump forward and you see this happen over and over again and each time the aggressor is the same 'sick person'. Does at one point the 'Get out of Jail Card' be removed?
Does a diagnosis automatically give you the right to act and behave in which ever way you want?
Let's say you know a person that was always rude, a bully and aggressor. Now that person gets Cancer. Will that automatically turn them into a saint that has all the answers and wisdom? I think some belief it is, I personally don't.
What was before unacceptable behavior is now excused by 'Oh but they are so sick'?
How then about people in Prison? I am sure we can find all kind of sick people there, too. So if they have Cancer for example does that excuse the crime they committed? Or should we let people out of prison if they do get sick with a disease that has no cure?
I guess I am truly just brainstorming how I feel but do want feedback. Is being sick an excuse to behave badly?
Should we give leeway to those we know that are facing a battle?
Hugs and already thank you of your thoughts.